Wax Touch up Crayon+Scraper


Proudly 100% Australian made and owned

  • Available in 13 Timber Colours
  • Easy and handy for quick repairs to scratched or damaged timber,
  • Ideal to be coated and stained.
  • Contains no beeswax and leave no white ring marking.


  1. For most small scratches, simply rub the stick over the damaged area.
  2. For larger, deeper indentations (where Timbermate Water-based Woodfiller cannot be used), heat a knife blade with a flame or a soldering iron or stove lighter and filll damaged area with hot wax.
  3. Remove excess wax by rubbing with the smooth side of sandpaper, a piece of cardboard or old credit card.
  4. Use a cotton cloth to buff and remove excess wax.

Item No. Price
Waxstix-Baltic Pine $18.96
Waxstix-Cedar $18.96
Waxstix-Ebony $18.96
Waxstix-Jarrah $18.96
Waxstix-Mahogany $18.96
Waxstix-Maple $18.96
Waxstix-Natural $18.96
Waxstix-Pine $18.96
Waxstix-Rosewood $18.96
Waxstix-TasOak $18.96
Waxstix-Teak $18.96
Waxstix-Walnut $18.96
Waxstix-White $18.96
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